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Oct 26 Webinar:  Inspired Active Meditation - A Busy Mind's Delight!

Oct 26 Webinar: Inspired Active Meditation - A Busy Mind's Delight!

 If you appreciate meditation, if you want to learn about meditation, if you identify as an overthinker, join us and experience the potential of this inspired, active approach to meditation. 

Broadly speaking, passive meditation refers to observing the thought process, feeling, or breath without judgement. Active meditation is inquiring about a particular subject. It's an advanced form of meditation that often eludes us. To experience this approach to meditation, Sylvie offers a process that begins with journaling.  As a way of directing our thoughts toward what we want to attract/experience, Inspired Active Meditation is an energizing approach to meditation that follows us off the mat. 

Wednesday October 26th, 12:00-1:00pm
with Sylvie Gouin

Inspired Active Meditation 101
Step One –  We choose a topic: For this session our focus is Energy
Step Two – Write It Out: We journal about the point of focus ( Sylvie provides the questions)Step Three – Reflect: We contemplate, envision and embody the point of focus (Sylvie guides the process)

You Will Learn: 

  • An inquiry process to support this Inspired Active Meditative experience 
  • How to develop the inquiry 
  • How to include repetition when we lose our focus
Win a gift certificate to attend Sylvie’s Virtual Inspired Active Meditation Tuesday, November 8th 7:00-8:00 p.m. — Value of $24.95 

What you will need: 
  • A comfortable seat to meditate
  • A journal and pen
Aside from leading monthly Full Moon Inspired Active Meditation classes Sylvie offers virtual yoga classes through Inspired Living with Sylvie. As the director of teacher training programs for the Beyond School of Yoga in Kanata, Sylvie is the lead teacher for the Beyond Yoga 200-hour hatha yoga teacher training certification program. She is a self-published author of two books on the subject of yoga who never tires of sharing her love of yoga. To learn more about Sylvie please visit: 
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