Fresh vegetable and fruit smoothies are deeply cleansing, alkalizing and nourishing.
Coconut water is a great base for smoothies as it contains electrolyte minerals which nourish, hydrate and energize. It also adds sweetness. Be sure to purchase pure coconut water as some brands contain additives. Other options for the liquid base are organic coconut milk or water.
Green powders like VegeGreens, Perfect Greens, Barley Grass or Spirulina powders make an amazing addition to smoothies as they are packed with antioxidants, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber which cleanse, nourish, energize, alkalize and purify our cells and body.
The seed mixture is a blend of equal parts flax, hemp, chia, and sesame. Keep a jar filled with a mixture these seeds to add to smoothies. Adding seeds to smoothies increases fiber, protein, and essential fats.
For increased protein, consider adding 1 scoop of a plant based protein powder like VegiDay, IronVegan or Botanica Perfect Protein.
Add ice to any smoothie to make it cool and refreshing.
Want an alternative to a liquid breakfast? Turn your smoothie into a smoothie bowl by topping it with organic coconut, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, berries, etc. Or add a base of 1/2 cup chia pudding or overnight oats.
Don't forget to chew!
Recipes make 2 servings
1 1/2 cups water or coconut water
1 cup romaine lettuce, spinach or kale
1/2 green apple
1/4 of a cucumber
1 stalk celery
1/3 cup parsley
1/2 lemon, peeled and seeded
1/2 " piece of ginger root
2-3 tbsp mixed seeds
1.5 cups water or coconut water
1 small - medium red grapefruit, peeled
1 cup pineapple
1/2 cup papaya
1/2 lime, peeled
1 cup kale or spinach
3 fresh mint leaves
2-3 tbsp mixed seeds
1.5 cups organic coconut milk (can) or coconut water
1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple
1/2 cup papaya
1/2 " fresh turmeric root
1/2 " fresh ginger root
dash each cinnamon powder, nutmeg, clove & cardamom
2-3 tbsp mixed seeds
1.5 cups water or coconut water
2 stalks celery
1.5 cups blueberries
2-3 tbsp mixed seeds