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Back to School Lunches Made Healthy

Back to School Lunches Made Healthy

September can be a bittersweet time of year.  Summer holidays are over and new routines are underway.  Packing lunches can be overwhelming as many parents worry that their children will not receive the nourishment needed for a day of learning. No need to stress. With little planning and preparation, kids can be out the door with a lunch bag full of tasty, nutritious food. Here are some tips to help parents simplify the lunch box challenge.

Balancing Act

To prolong energy, enhance cognition, boost immunity, and balance mood, kids need all three macronutrients in their lunch bag:  protein, good fats, and complex carbohydrates. Protein provides amino acids which are the building blocks of a healthy body. Good fats nourish the brain and nervous system while also supporting happy hormones, healthy immunity and proper digestion. Complex carbohydrates provide fuel and fiber for a full day of work and play. Not to mention that complex carbs such as colorful vegetables contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that work that protect cells and enhance vitality.

Here are some examples of a balanced, healthy lunch box:

  • Salads - There are many wonderful options including whole grain pasta, bean, coleslaw, mixed greens, chicken, tuna, avocado, or egg salad.  Add whole grain crackers and hummus, sliced peppers and Seasnax, fruit skewers, or fruit salad as sides.
  • Hot Thermos Meals - Chili or soup offers comfort and nourishment and is a great way to slip in extra veggies. Include a side of rainbow carrots, organic tortilla chips and salsa, or guacamole. 
  • Whole grain sandwich or wrap - Want an alternative to cold cuts?  How about wild-caught tuna or salmon salad, egg or chicken salad or Sunbutter with jam? Add a side of sliced cucumbers, fruit, and a trail mix made with seeds or a smoothie.

Drink Up!

Water is essential for the proper function of all cells in our body.  Water is considered the “river of life” as it acts as a transport system, carrying nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body.  Water hydrates and nourishes the brain, replenishes lost fluids, flushes toxins, and supports all bodily functions. Kids should be going to school with 1-2 bottles of fresh, filtered water every day.  Add fresh lemon, lime, berries, cucumbers, or herbs. This will not only add flavour but enhance digestion.

Supplements: Added Insurance

Even those who include an abundance of whole, natural foods daily struggle to acquire all the nutrients needed for optimal health. Common agricultural practices, demineralized soil, environmental pollution, food processing and stress result in nutrient depletion.  There are many supplements that kids can take in addition to a healthy diet to support their active, growing bodies. The basic essentials are:

  • A multivitamin mineral supplement:  Each person requires all nutrients to function optimally.  A deficiency in one single vitamin or mineral may create health problems and imbalances. A good multivitamin acts as an “insurance policy” ensuring kids get all the nutrients they need for the day.
  • Essential Fatty Acids: EFA’s (omega 3, 6, 9) have many critical functions in the body and are especially necessary for proper brain function.  The brain and nervous system are about 70% fat and require EFA’s (particularly omega 3) for memory, focus, concentration, and mood. 
  • Probiotics:  Research is showing the critical importance of healthy gut flora not only for digestive health, but for the brain, heart and immune system. Probiotics help restore and maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut which may help reduce tummy upset, regulate the bowels, reduce food intolerances, support brain health, and boost immunity.
  • Vitamin D: Research shows that Canadians are typically deficient in this bone-building, immune-boosting, sunshine vitamin. Therefore, everyone, including children should supplement with vitamin D, particularly through the cold winter months.

Planning and Preparation

Without meal planning and preparation strategies, it’s easy to fall into the rut of throwing together last-minute lunches filled with quick, processed foods high in sugar, and preservatives.  These simple and practical tips will help you stay on top of your game:

  • Create a weekly menu/meal plan.
  • Try at least one new healthy recipe per week chosen by you and the kids.
  • Keep a collection of your family’s favourite recipes (your staples).
  • Dedicate time for food prep and cooking at least once per week.
  • Keep various food storage containers on hand.
  • Make, store, and freeze leftovers in portion sizes for later in the week or month.
  • Keep it fun, colourful and get the kids involved!

Nourished kids are thriving kids!  Relying on these back-to-school nutrition tips can help create a healthy foundation for you and your family.  Wishing all kids (and parents) and healthy first month back to school!

Blog written by Natasha Villeneuve CNP, Holistic Nutritionist & Lead and Educator of NFP Education Initiative....and mom of three!

Previous article 9 Tips for Healthy Holidays without Overeating