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Feb 12: Heartbreaker: Women and Cardiovascular Disease

Feb 12: Heartbreaker: Women and Cardiovascular Disease

With Cyrus Kuhzarani of Pure Lab Vitamins

Wed Feb 12th 6:30-8:00pm - NFP Billings Bridge

$10.00/person (Reimbursed upon entry as NFP gift card. Funds collected by those who do not attend will be donated to CHEO)


Too often women are misdiagnosed when it comes to heart attacks. Jaw pain, severe indigestion and numbness or tingling are seen as non- life threatening symptoms and the female patient is sent home with a suggestion to use antacids.  Learn why women's physiology can hinder proper diagnosis and what are the warning signs you should not dismiss!


-Female specific risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD)

-Simple changes you can make to diet and lifestyle

-Best supplements to support cardiovascular health

One lucky winner will win a Pure Lab product!

Cyrus Kuhzarani was born and raised in Muenster, Germany.  After graduating from pharmacy school in Dusseldorf, Cyrus moved to Canada and has spent the last fifteen years as a compounding pharmacist in the local Ottawa community. His work with patients and health professionals in a multitude of areas, including pain management, Diabetes, and Scleroderma, has earned him a reputation as an outcome-focused, patient championing health professional.   As the founder and formulator of Pure Lab Vitamins, Cyrus has been able to utilize his experience and knowledge to create natural products that address a multitude of health issues including cognitive health, chronic pain and stress and anxiety. Cyrus lives in Wakefield Quebec with his wife and two children.

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