Pure-Le Greens Chlorophyll Unflavoured 450ml
Chlorophyll is the green pigment naturally produced by plants and algae and gives them their characteristic dark green color. Chlorophyll is critical for photosynthesis, the process by which sunlight is converted into chemical energy. As a healer chlorophyll’s action is remarkable. It is a potent antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals. It is a detoxifer, cleansing many toxins including aflatoxins (a class of carcinogens). It helps curb hunger, sip it after lunch, and before you know it will be quitting time and you’ll head home for dinner, without craving snacks or the dreaded energy drain at 2:00.
It is an energizer, helping to open up airways to increase oxygen to your cells. This action helps athletes train harder, go further and recover faster. It also helps the rest of us go farther, all without any calories! Try it during your workout, you’ll love the results.
• Gentle Detox
• pH Balance
• 0 (Zero) Calories
• Great Tasting
• Internal Deodorant