Udderly Ridiculous Goat Milk Ice Cream Lemon Cream 473 ML
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On a whirlwind trip to Italy for Greg’s 40th birthday we were introduced to Italian Gelato. We would make a daily stop for this treat, I became addicted to a combination - a scoop of lemon and a scoop of yogurt Gelato - to die for. I went through Gelato withdrawl when we returned unable to find this combination anywhere…. until now. This ice cream is a beautiful blend of creamy and tart rolled onto one spoon! We make a sweet base containing fresh Ontario Goat milk, cream and curd, then blend in real lemon juice to create a perfect balance of sweet and tart fresh lemon taste . Now you don’t have to go to Italy to experience my favorite combination - you’re welcome.
Ingredients: Goat's milk · Goat's cream · Cane sugar · Lemon juice · Goat's milk cheese curd (pasteurized goat's milk, sea salt, microbial enzyme, and bacterial culture) · Goat whey protein concentrate · Locust bean gum · Guar gum · Sea salt. Contains: Milk.