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🎉 Enjoy FREE SHIPPING on Orders Over $75 Across Canada! 🎉 Some exclusions apply.
Non-Dairy Frozen “Blizzard”

Non-Dairy Frozen “Blizzard”

When the desire strikes for an occasional cold summer treat, try this healthier option. The lack of dairy, refined sugar and chemical food additives will leave you feeling lighter, less bloated or congested and more energized!

1 container of Coconut Bliss Non-Dairy Ice Cream of choice
1/4 cup of addition of choice

Addition Choices:
Natural Chocolate (Lily’s, IChoc, Cocoa Camino, Alter Eco)

Chocolate bark or brittle (CocoaMira, Prana)

Chocolate chips (Lily’s, Enjoy Life)

Dandies Marshmallows

Natural Candies (Central Roast “smarties”, Sun Cups, Smart Sweets)

Cookie pieces (Enjoy Life, Glutino, Made Good)


Frozen berries or fruit pieces

Dried fruit or Coconut

*Combination in photo made with Vanilla Coconut Bliss and Alter Eco Burnt Toffee Bar

Pulse ingredients in a high speed blender until mixed.
Serve and ENJOY!

Recipe supplied by Natural Food Pantry Educator Natasha Villeneuve, CNP

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