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Nia Holistic Dance Fitness Classes - Online

Nia Holistic Dance Fitness Classes - Online

Nia holistic fitness classes are cardio-dance infused, easy to follow, non-low impact classes danced barefoot to soulful music and are truly for ANY body!  Although NIA classes are choreographed, you are encouraged to find joy and pleasure in movement by sensing and moving in your body’s way by personalizing to what feels comfortable for you. NIA builds body confidence, balances the nervous system, promotes fitness, health and wellbeing, and nourishes the soul.  Absolutely everyone is welcome. No dance experience is necessary. Show up as you are!

Online Sessions: 

Gentle 30 min Moving to Heal: Mondays 9:00am EST

Classic 60 min Nia:  Thursdays 10:00am

Class recordings available upon request for 24 hours – regular class rates apply

Registration Steps 

  1. Purchase a single class or class pack HERE 
  2. Email Natasha to obtain zoom link:

The many possible benefits of NIA: 

-Health and Healing
-Mind-Body Connection: sense of centeredness, body awareness, calm and joy
-Improved physical fitness: cardio, strength, stability, mobility, flexibility and agility
-Improved energy, digestion and metabolism
-Reduced inflammation, pain and tension
-Improved stress resilience and mental health
-Improved coordination, focus, concentration, mood
-Body love, appreciation and gratitude

Natasha Villeneuve, Holistic Nutritionist is the lead of The Natural Food Pantry Education Initiative and is a licensed NIA Blue belt instructor.  

What people say:  

"I wanted to send a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your NIA class. I had never heard of it before, and was not really sure if I was going to attend. It was AMAZING ❤ You are really good at getting this whole healing vibe across, you made it cool and so not cheesy (sorry all respect to those other classes), the music was really engaging and well I think it was something I didn't know I needed, so thank you again very much." Vanessa F

"I'm not sporty nor a dancer but knew at 55 that I wanted and needed to get moving.  I wanted a fun way that I didn't dread.  Along came Natasha and NIA!  I left each class smiling, feeling more agile and completely accepted and encouraged to move in my own way... at my own speed and level." Carolyn M

"This is the only movement/exercise form I've found since my accident that doesn't hurt!"  Debra J

"What a fun and unique class!  There's something really inviting about your class.  I've always held back when it comes to dance but today I felt totally unrestricted and so free!  I loved every minute of it!"  Natalie S

For questions or inquiries, please contact Natasha at

Cover photo credit Jim Neale

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